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Birthstone: January // Garnet

Birthstone: January // Garnet

Ah, the deep burgundy red of January’s birthstone, the garnet. A gemstone that has endured and been adored for millennia.

The name garnet comes from the Latin granatus, meaning “seedlike”, believed to be a reference to pomegranate seeds, which are quite similar in color. While the red-toned varieties of garnet are the most well-known, the term garnet actually covers a whole group of silica-based minerals that display a multitude of colors, five of which produce gem-quality stones in oranges, yellows, purples, and even vibrant greens.

Garnets are fairly durable, rating an average of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Beautiful specimens have stood the test of time, with an important example being a garnet necklace that was found in an Egyptian grave dating back to 3000 B.C. The Ancient Romans were also quite fond of it, incorporating the stone into their signet rings throughout the third and fourth centuries. In Greek mythology, it was the eternal union between Persephone and Hades and the symbolic eating of a few pomegranate seeds — a representation of life, regeneration, and marriage — that has fostered an association between garnet and the concept of eternal love.

With its mythological metaphorical origins, garnet continues to symbolize eternal love and passion and fidelity to this day. It is a strong stone for boosting self-confidence and helping one to overcome depression. Garnet is associated with the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine and the pelvic floor, and related to primal needs and desires, safety, security, and grounding. Correlating physically, garnet is said to be especially helpful with sexual aspects, including balancing sex drive, aiding in fertility, and freeing oneself towards deeper exploration of sensual passions.

View January Birthstone jewelry HERE.

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